Monday, August 30, 2010

Warning of Double Dip?

Let's see what does the news media have to say about unemployment now and the economy? Oh yeah, they are stating that unemployment will rise even though the stimulus created a lot more jobs than what was believed.

What, unemployment is still high? Why is unemployment expected to rise? According to different money news and economic news experts on various news stations, many businesses and companies are cutting back to hold on to their money, since they are unable to get those loans and credit from the Banks and Credit Financial loan companies which was suppose to stimulate the economy with the help of that stimulus.

What? Didn't they get their stimulus money, the same stimulus money they suppose to use to stimulate the economy? And didn't they pay it all back with interest after getting totally out of the RED?

Of course they did. But it is an election year.

The Democrats did dare to pass that Financial Reform Bill earlier this summer. And since it is an election year, the Banks and Credit Financial Loan Companies are mad as heck at the Democrats for passing that Financial Reform bill. So as a form of protest the Banks, Credit Finanical Loan Companies along with Wall Street Companies and Insurance Corporations have all backed the Republican 'Just-Say-Hell-NO-Party' in hoping that the Republicans will go in and Reverse that Financial Reform Bill. They are angry and are funding the Republican's message which has duped so many Americans into believing that Reversing the Financial Reform Bill is good for them.

So in their form of protest, the Banks and Credit Financial Loan companies, have held back those loans and credits for most businesses, thus helping to EXTEND the unemployment situation while creating more unemployment to get voters behind the Republicans. Yep those Banks, Credit Financial Loan Companies, Wall Street and Republicans are teaching the average Middle Class American a lesson in economics alright.

They are teaching us that we, the Average Middle Class American, need not apply for the right to expect them, the Banks - Credit Financial Loan Companies - Wall Street, to play by the rules and regulations in any Financial Reform Bill, because with the help of Republicans, they the Banks - Credit Financial Loan companies - Wall Street, will always have their way.

So go ahead and vote Republican in November and just watch how the Republicans get the Banks, Credit Financial Loan Companies, Wall Street off the hook for what they did in the pass while Republicans allow them to do as they please again so they can go back to destroying our economy.

While the Republicans controlled the Senate and Congress their decisions have always favored with the Banks, Financial companies and Wall Street Companies. In 1999 Republican Senate and Republican Congress passed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which allowed for the first time since 1933 the commercial Banks, Investment Banks, Securities Firms, and Insurance Companies to consolidate.

Well the Act was passed in 1999. But in 1998 Citibank and Smith Barney and Primerica and Travelers had already consolidated before that bill was passed making their merger a violation of both the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956. So the Republican Senate and Republican Congress Bill of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act had a notation of back tracking the bill one year to make the Consolidation of the bank company, securities company, and the insurance company merger forming the Citicorp Corporation of 1998 legal thus protecting Citibank and Smith Barney and Primerica and Travelers from being prosecuted for any violations. Because of the Republican 1999 Act that allowed the merger from the previous year the Republican's Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act became known as the Financial Services Industry bill.

The Banks, Credit companies, Loan Companies, Insurance companies and Wall Street can always count on Republicans to sell their souls to the highest bidder. And you can bet that the Banks, credit companies, loan companies, insurance companies and wall street companies are all happy that the Republicans are very good at convincing the Average Middle Class American Citizens that it is the unemployed and the Police Officers and the Fire Departments and the Teachers in our country who should be considered the Special Interests Groups.

So will you be duped into voting for Republicans who work tirelessly against the Average Middle Class American Workers and their families? If you dare vote Republican, you definitely have been duped!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Losers and Winners

On Ron Scherer tells, us that there are some states that are states who are winners in the Health Care Reform and there are looser states now that the Health care Reform has passed. And what did he base his speculations on? Could it be that he is hoping that unemployment rises for his speculations to come true? His full of Speculations article - Health Care Reform Fallout: Which States Are the Winners? should be read with an open mind as to the direction unemployment goes, either up or down. Not just if it continues to stay the same or goes up.

OK, so it does benefit the states which already provide it to childless adults? The Federal government will pick up the financial burden which those states already have in the way of providing 50 percent reimbursement, saving the costs to those states half of what they are now paying. But as many of the people in those cases get jobs so does the costs. We all know that those states regard it as a temporary help for those on the programs. Not only is it hard to get on with strict guidelines but it is hard to stay on since most cases are considered are considered the key word "temporary".

And why does he consider the other states losers? Those that do not already have the program in place will receive the 100 percent start up costs, but over time those states will have to pay more of their own costs. Now try to remember that Republican and Tea Party are against any help for the unemployed uninsured down trodden American Citizens.

I'm sorry Mr. Scherer, since when is having to pay back a 'Portion' of the 100 percent of taxpayers money back to the Federal government which provided it a bad thing? Isn't that what taxpayers want? And don't you consider the Unemployed of the middle class situation in this country a temporary thing?

The truth is that many of those who are unemployed will no longer be unemployed in 3months, in 6 months, in 12 months.
The truth is that by 2014 many unemployed and uninsured will no longer be unemployed or even uninsured.
The truth is the uninsured who do work, make an income that does not qualify them for the state's program.
The truth is the uninsured working for companies which lowered the hours of employees so they do not qualify for medical insurance coverage from their employers also do not qualify for the state's program because they're working and have income.
The truth is the States will be spending less than estimated by all the Republican and Tea Party Talking Heads like you.

The Public Option is not in the Health Care Reform Law, But if it was than the situation for those states would have been a lot better because the Public Option was private insurance subsidized by the government like the way an employer subsidizes for their employees. It would be as if it were a more affordable HMO. But as it stands, the Public Option is out. So by fighting the private insurance affordable Public Option you Republican talking heads helped burden the medicaid. I and all states would like to Thank You for doing just that.

The Reporter Mr. Scherer on seems to base his theory on his speculating that the unemployment numbers would go up instead of down. And ABC, CNN, Fox news, with other news outlets also seem to be giving a lot of credibility to those types of speculations.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

When did Intelligence Fail?

It has been reported that Obama found proof that the failed bomber, Abdumutallab, was connected to al Qaida group in Yemen. And of course, Republican talking heads are blaming Obama for not catching the bomber before he got aboard the plane months ago. Yet since Republicans want to go backwards and claim that there should have been warning signs in Stopping the attack before the Umar Farouk got on the plane, then we should go Farther back to 2007 with Two of the Main MasterMind Planners of that Attack.

Why? Because in 2007 Those two MasterMind Planners were Released from Guantanimo Prison by Bush and Cheney. But both Cheney and Bush stood infront of the cameras on the News claiming that the Detanees they released in 2007 were not terrorist. However, now we know that at least One of the Two MasterMind Planners was in Bush and Cheney's program for 'Terrorism Rehab'. That means that One of the failed Christmas attack planners was already a known terrorist. That means that Cheney and Bush had Released a known terrorist in 2007. And the posibility that there may be more out there who were released in 2007 by the Bush and Cheney Republican Administration is very frightening.

So if Republicans want to go to the Beginning of the Actual Planning of the Christmas attack, I am sure investigative reporting is more than happy to comply. After all Republicans can't hide the truth in todays technology when in 2007 it was reported in the news aired on TV that Republicans Released those same Detanees, who then became the Masterminds in 2009 to plan that attack.

Now I ask all you Republicans, When did our Intelligence Fail? Did it Fail this Christmas? Or did it Fail back in 2007 when You Republicans released those Two Mastermind Detanees from Gauntanimo Prison?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Decisions of the Past

It was reported on various news that the Fort Hood shooter was a soldier who was promoted to a high ranking officer during the Bush and Cheney years even though Hassan's Army file had reports and warnings in it of his Anti-American and Pro-Terrorism Views.
What ever policies and decisions made regarding Hassan's promotions while ignoring the warnings in his file during the eight years of the Cheney and Bush and the Republican Administration personnel prove to still Reek Havoc on the American People.

Two of the mastermind planners of the failed Christmas jetliner attack were released in 2007 from Guantanamo Prison by Bush and Cheney.
One of those masterminds was in a Rehab for terrorist program at Guantanamo just before he was released in 2007 by Bush and Cheney.
Bush and Cheney statements on National TV that the detainees they were releasing in 2007 were Not terrorists were proven to be a lie this Christmas.
What ever Policies and Decisions made regarding the two mastermind planners of that failed Christmas Jetliner in releasing them from Guantanamo Prison back in 2007 by the Republicans Cheney and Bush and the Republican Administration personnel prove to still Reek Havoc on the American People.