Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What Were the Republican Years About?

I recently read a post on digg by the engineer2008. He started out writing a paragraph of an article in which George Packer interviewed Buchanan, who worked for Nixon and secured his winning that election. I was interest in the Article because I remember watching the election so I clicked on the title, 'The Fall of Conservatism. Have the Republicans run out of Ideas.' It took me to

The interview covered the early Nixon years when Buchanan worked for Nixon's campaign and helped him get elected. Buchanan tells Packer about an idea they came up with. Nixon and Buchanan had an idea of creating a new majority bordering on the fenced grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Well it worked because Nixon won by a land slide that election.

Buchanan tells Packer in the interview: 'The sixties, which began in liberal consensus over the Cold War and civil rights, became a struggle between two apocalyptic politics that each saw the other as hellbent on the country’s annihilation. The result was violence like nothing the country had seen since the Civil War, and Perlstein emphasizes that bombings, assaults, and murders committed by segregationists, hardhats, and vigilantes on the right were at least as numerous as those by radical students and black militants on the left.

What are the Republican years about? What is any Republican year in the Oval Office about? It can be summed up with the last sentence of the article. 'Nixon claimed to speak on behalf of "the nonshouters, the nondemonstrators," but the cigar smokers in that South Carolina hotel were intoxicated with hate.'

They can call themselves the 'Moral Majority, the Right-Winged Party, The Evangelical Right, The Family Value Party,' But to me, they will always be no different that the NAZI party of Germany.

The Up-Swing Continues

In reading a money news article by Adam Schreck the AP Business Writer it is clear that the rise in Oil Prices is not over. Late Wednesday the price per barrel hit over $144.00 just as the government reported an unexpected drop in U.S. supplies with the threat of attacking Iran on the traders minds.

Speculation? It seems every time the oil people sneeze, and something in government happens it is the traders on Wall Street who frantically sell, trade, buy causing speculation that drives up the oil price. But don't take my word for it.

Good luck this 4th of July at the pumps. And expect higher prices all the way around the grocery stores and utilities.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Positive trade? Really?

According to Joe Bruno, an AP business writer, 'bargain hunting in the trade market today sent shares up then soaring downward only to creep up slowly toward the end of the day.' Yet it was called a positive trade and say we could be headed for recovery. Really?

Well, Ford motor Co. in its' report stated that sales dropped sharply in June. That does not sound like a recovery to me.

Oil rose again in record high levels. That does not sound like a recovery to me.

And according to Scott Mayerowitz a member of the ABC business news unit, during these hard times, as companies cut back like the airlines and cell phones so does the customer service. That does not sound like a recovery to me.

And many of the free-bee stuff that you used to get in some industries like the hotels and motels, will now cost you.

The associated press economics writer, Martin Crutsinger concerning the continuing slump in housing, he stated in his money news report that for the 11th time in the past year construction spending fell in May. In fact 'home builders have been frantically slashing back on their production in the face of the worst slump in housing in more than two decades.' That does not sound like a recovery to me.

And with all the news articles written on the oil, whether it was demand or speculation to blame for the oil hikes, another article was there on the news again. Yep, this time it was Barbara Lewis who claims that it is demand not the speculation on Wall Street that is responsible for the price hike. Hmm, I wonder. Were any of these news reporters around in the 1970s'.

Remember that time in history, During the Nixon and Ford years when they claimed that it was DEMAND that drove the price of oil from .25 cents a gallon to $1.40. Oh, you were not born yet. Well let me inform you of REAL HISTORY. You see a few of the OIL people in TEXAS got together and on paper transferred the ownership of oil from family member to family member to in-law to cousin. That process created a shortage on paper. But there was NO real Shortage nor was there an Increase in demand. However, there were long lines at the pump, the price jumped from .25 cents to .50 cents to .75 cents to $1.00 in a very short time. By the end of the three years the price jumped to $1.43 per gallon. But it wasn't until Carters time when an investigation of the Oil shortage and demand revealed that there was no shortage at all and that the demand was never increased. There were government hearings and a trial. There was serious talk of sentencing and jail time. But then Reagan became president and then Ronald Reagan slapped the American Citizen in the face when he gave clemency to the OIL people from TEXAS. And anyone who refuses to believe it, was either not born yet, or is still in denial. Do your own research in the Libraries your self. Scan all the old news articles of the time. Yep, the Oil People got the American Citizen to believe that Carter was a bad president, but in fact he was the only American president who went after the Oil People of Texas when they had the power. I wonder if any other American president could ever have the courage to take on the OIL PEOPLE who are now in control of the global economy.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Cycle Of Oil Prices Rise Again

It seems that we continue to go in circles with our oil prices rising above $143.00 per barrel. Strange that every time the money experts on the News stations like CNN, Fox, MSNBC all seem to suggest and do say that our oil prices are expected to go down with the help of the Bush administration. Yet, that NEVER happens!

With everything the Bush administration has done so far the oil crises just continues to get worse. Now why is that? What was the very first impact of change of policy since GW Bush took over in 2001? The very first thing he worked on was changing the U.S. policy of outsourcing of American jobs. It started before the 9/11 attacks. Yet no one remembers.

Now what is the secret to a strong economy? The secret to a strong working economy is to have the people in that economy working, Economics 101.

When the high tech jobs were sent overseas with Bush selling the Idea that Americans are too stupid to do the job, there began a domino effect both in the job market, and in Americas' economy. Our dollar began to fall and get weak. Old home sells began to fall. Older middle aged people who were loosing their jobs along with medical benefits and retirement had to find other work to pay for the rising cost of Utilities: electric and gas.

By the end of his first term in office, Bush sold the belief that we are no longer a high tech country, but are now a service country.

Now nearing the end of GW Bush second term in the Oval Office, the oil has more than double since the beginning of his first term, more than 3/4 of all the states in the United States are experiencing quick sells, causing mortgages of unsuspecting neighboring homes to be a lot higher than the falling value of their homes. Although the promise of forgiving what is owed sounds good, the truth is that what is forgiven has to be included as income in the following tax year, leaving all those homeowners who are holding on to their homes watching the value of their homes drop. Selling is no option for those of us who are still paying into our mortgages as the value of our homes decline below what is owed.

The Electric and heating gas utilities has continued to rise every year. In my area alone, the electric rate rises twice each year since Bush began his first term with the heating gas rising once each other year.

Now with the gasoline price more than doubled since Bush second inauguration, I can not help but wonder why the American people are not fed up.

When we had Bin Laden in our grasp, it was the Bush administration that backed down. When our intelligence had proof that Pakistan was harboring and protecting Bin Laden, it was the Bush administration that denied, denied, denied.

When will we finally admit that the Republican Party are not the party of the people, but the party of Oil and Big Business? When will we finally admit that you cannot have a democracy, a government by the people for the people with a Republic administration? Is there democracy in Red Communist Republic of China, or the Banana Republics? No! And you will never have a democracy with a Republican administration.