The Prominent Republicans in the state of Massachusetts are NOT backing their former Governor, Romney. It is no surprise given that they remember what condition the state was in during Romney's term as governor. The economic growth during that time in Massachusetts was their third lowest in the country, and the job increase was the third lowest in the country. Only the Katrina states were lower. And all these republicans remember the high number of the population who left the state.
The list of Bay State Republicans endorsing McCain, in his quest for the presidency, include former governors Paul Cellucci and Jane Swift, former treasurer Joe Malone and former State Republican Party Chair Jean Inman. The list includes USAID Administrator and former state lawmaker Andrew Natsios and former Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Jim Rappaport. The list also includes a number of state lawmakers and 14 members of the Republican State Committee.
Romney may be able to fool Republicans who were not in the state of Massachusetts when he was governor. However, the Massachusetts Republicans remember the failing economy that Romney put them into. I guess that is why Republicans use the Elephant as their masscot, because 'An elephant never forgets.'
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Number of Prominent Republicans Back McCain
Friday, February 1, 2008
Investors of Google worried
Who would have ever thought that this would be an issue, but with today's economy plunging in a downward spiral it should have been predictable. 'Google Inc.'s top executives say all is well at the Internet search leader despite a rare earnings disappointment, but investors are worried something is amiss.' Yes this time has come, and with the corporations talking about tightening belts there's no question as to where in recent history we can put the blame. But no one wants to remember and admit that the Republican corporate lobbyists, and Bush, and big businesses through out the U.S.A. started the economic drop in 2002. That was when Bush and his Republican White House government pushed through a bill granting Big Business Corporations a 'Government Financial Incentive' to send American high tech and other jobs overseas changing the type of jobs left for Americans. That was during the time frame Bush announced "America is no longer a high tech country, but is now a service country." Boy did he and the republicans blow that one. What a legacy to leave behind.
Posted by
Angie Meredith
4:30 PM
Labels: Economic news
No Jobs effects the economy
According to another report on the connection with jobs and the economy. There are even more jobs lost in the month of January, which makes it the biggest lost of jobs in three years stated in that report. The report talks of the unemployment rate in numbers and figures that the government has, yet one truth never comes out. Not everyone signs up. My husband is constantly taking jobs that are short term in his line of work of what are left the country thanks to Bush and his 'Government Financial Incentives' for big business to send American Jobs overseas in 2002 when my husband was already in his mid 50's. The lasp in-between jobs can reach beyond 6 months in any given year. Jobs were secured before GW Bush and his top Republican lobbyists. Secure jobs no longer exist thanks to Bush and the CEOs who have the attitude that "Americans NO Longer Have The Right To Work." I remember those words the CEOs and Republicans spoke so well, as if it were yesterday. But Bush and the Republicans forgot one important little detail: In order to have a working economy, there has to be people in that economy working. NO JOBS =EQUALS= NO WORKING ECONOMY. How could the Republicans not know that the two went hand-in-hand.
Please wake me up from this nightmare.
Posted by
Angie Meredith
2:32 PM
Labels: Economic news
Avoiding The Word, Recession.
Bush talked of the importance of the stimulus package. He spoke of the decline in jobs. Yet one thing he failed to mention is that we are in a recession.
GW and the Republicans are so quick to lay the blame, but they forgot one thing. It is not a very small thing. It is not something that is well hidden. It is not something they never even heard of. In fact this one thing has Bush's signature and the signature of Republicans. It was something that they passed, a bill from 2002. I wonder if anyone remembers the bill. It was the bill to give 'GOVERNMENT FINANCIAL INCENTIVES TO BIG BUSINESS' to move American jobs away from Americans and send those jobs overseas.
Yep, it is true that Bush is now admitting that the economy is failing. But GW is failing short of blaming himself and his Republican people for the downswing in the economy.
You see, both Bush and the Republican people have forgotten one thing, to have a 'WORKING ECONOMY' is to have the people in that economy working. No jobs, no working economy. The two go hand-in-hand.
Using Them Who Cannot Defend Themselves
There are many abuses of the handicap around the world. In fact there is many with in our own borders in the U.S. Yet there is one abuse that really makes it harder to swallow. One abuse that really turns the stomach. One that goes beyond the realm of evil. And that one is to take a mentally retarded individual, and strap a bomb on that individual while putting that person in a busy market place where many families and friends gather.
But I just could not imagine an evil so vicious as to send two mentally retarded females strapped with bombs to blow them up in a busy spot and cause the massive carnage which occurred today in Iraq. These must be desperate times for those who want the new government to fail in Iraq, to have stooped so low. Their ends will be defined not by their beliefs but by their actions. And their actions have stained their souls with the blood of innocent.
Is The Bush Strategy Really Working?
It has been a while since Bush and Rumsfeld first pulled all our troops out of Afghanistan in 2003, and dropped the idea of going after the ones truely responsible for the 9/11 attack in Manhattan, New York. Yes, both George W and Rumsfeld believed that going after the big mouth Sadam with the mosaic tile image of Bush Sr flooring mat on the grounds of Iraq government building was far more important, then getting Bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Taliban who all declared 'Death to America' slogan. GW was happy at go after Sadam for wiping his shoes on the tile picture of Bush Sr face. But they did say that there was an Iranian informant from the Iranian government who told their sources about WMD's in Iraq. But would the Iranian say anything against an enemy. We do know that Iranians and Iraqi have been enemy's for almost as long as the both groups have existed. Yep, it is true that both GW Bush and Rumsfeld were the most gullible boys in America at that time. Well, there were no WMD's. In fact the only discovery that is now being seriously looked at is the possibility of nuclear WMD's build up in Iran. Being so tied up in Iraq, Bush did not see it coming.
But more has happened since that March 23, 2003 when our soldiers first marched across fighting in Iraq. It seems that after these years of the free Iraqi building their own government a secontarian violence between the Suni and Shiet has broken out. While Iraqi were killing one another, a new problem developed. Al Qaeda filterated into Iraq and are killing Iraqi no matter what group or religion they are, as well as Americans who are there. Still the method of bombings used by the insurgencies, and al Qaeda are changing and building more violent.
Oh I know that our government with their latest tactics, which even John McCain took credit for, claim their strategy to be working. Yet, with the level of violence that keeps happening in Iraq, I can not help but wonder what the Bush Republican idea of working is?
Coulter To Back Hillary IF...?
"I will vote for Hillary over McCain." A statement that shocked everyone, including me. And I am not one who would care whom Ann Coulter would back, because I view her as a conniving evil non-truth, 'half-truth person. She often goes for the jugular against anyone who is not a Conservative Republican. She has been the most out spoken against the Clintons since Monica Lewinsky and the sex scandal. Is Ann setting up Clinton for her known type of future tactics in her arsenal of back stabbing, verbal, insulting, humiliating puns?
The Diva of "I'm a conservative Republican so I'm always right" wants to do what? Coulter who wrote books on how to deceive and manipulate to attack the people who are not conservative Republican, says what? Sounds like an Ann Coulter set up to me. First off, Ann would back McCain because she, just like the other 100% conservative Republicans, believe John McCain to be on the side of Republican issues, like 'Staying the Bush course of Action.' She would never back anyone who is related to, in her view, a violation of trust in the 'White House with the Sex Scandal.' She has made that very clear.
Her books on lies and deception in manipulating people who are not main stream conservative, is working in her statement. When you read her books, the only candidates that fit whom she would vote for are Republicans. Of course she would prefer Huckabee, or Romney. And she would back the one whose party would amend the Constitution of the USA to fit her religious beliefs, which is a violation of the very first Amendment of the first ten Amendments ratified on Dec 15, 1791 and known as the 'Bill of Rights': "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." That is not a suggestion, but a law. The definition of the word AMEND is: 'To make right.' What conservative Republicans want to do is strip everyone of us of our 'Bill of Rights'
When the dust settles, she will only back a Republican over a Democrat who would NOT 'Stay the Bush Course of Action.'
Congress or Senate?
"Hear it comes, and it's just your nineteenth nervous brake down."
Bush today pounded his fists, declaring that the Congress are delaying the Stimulus Package.
But Bush is wrong. Bush missed spoke. Pelosi and Congress finished with the Plan on Tuesday and turned the Stimulus Package deal over to the Senate. The Congressmen and the Senators are two different kinds of animals. In fact, Pelosi and Congress actually wrote the bill at a lower budget for Bush. They stayed within the guidelines.
Yet trouble was stirring in the Senate. There were senators afoot who wanted to make it their own. They were Republican Senators. Their mission was simple, create a diversion so the American people would turn away from the Change of the politicians of the future. Thus remaining with the status quo of the same old rhetoric of the Republican party.
But will the American people fall for this. Will they be so blind by Bush's speech and words accusing the Congress who were finished with the plan on Tuesday and turned it over to the Senate on the same day.
Are the American people that gullible. Well, a majority of the American people did vote for Bush twice, helping to create this economic mess the country is in. Maybe they are still in denial. Let's just wait and see who they vote for next.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
John Edwards Left The Race
I had to wait a while before reporting this. In fact it took me two days. But two days ago John Edwards stood on a podium in the Ninth Ward, of one of Katrina states, Louisiana, in the city of New Orleans to let us know that he was officially dropping out of the race. I had so hoped that he would of stayed running a little longer. I knew that if he did, he would have been surprised come Super Tuesday. The feeling was strong after that South Carolina Debate that if he stayed for the Super Tuesday he would have been on top. So maybe next time. I feel he might have been the better choice of the three.
But he left. So now it is Obama and Hillary. Well, at least Obama is back to behaving like the gentleman he was at the beginning, before Bill Clinton baited him.
If only Obama would have kept that suave debonair, he would be on top. But instead, it is between Hillary and Obama.
If only Hillary would have kept her husband Bill on the leash and really found her voice. Instead of declaring that she found her voice after her husband spewed out the 'Half Truths' of Obama. I would have continued to support her as I did at the very beginning, and not have preferred Obama. What was Bill afraid of? And why didn't Hillary realize that for women, hearing Bills voice was more troubling than any 'Half Truth' she and her husband spewed out. Who ever did their research regarding the Federal Investigation on Rezko, should be fired. Because as we all know, a 'Half Truth' is a BIG LIE. Benjamin Franklin taught us that.
I signed up on both sights. I like them both, but I am disappointed by them both. If they run together, then the disappointment would fade. Get with it, and beat the Bush Republican mess that has destroyed our country's economy, our country's reputation around the world, and our country's moral. We need this unification. Get with it.
Could Not Move a Girl Scout Unit?
"You couldn't move a Girl Scout unit with the kind of planning they're doing." In talking to a reporter a retired pentagon official talked today on the condition of the plan which is to be put into place when we have a biological, chemical, or nuclear attack on our homeland. He claims he looked at the plans and they are unacceptable.
There are three reasons why he says the plan they have will not work. 1) While the other agencies are responsible for bits and pieces of the plan, like the homeland security, the defense department is the only one with the resources to do the job right. 2)The defense department would be expected to work under the civilian agency. Usually that means a private big business corporate of pretend army personnel who have their own rules and answer to no one. 3) There is a historical tension between the federal government and the states. Another way of saying, that the states want control over their own plan, and do not want the federal government to help in any way.
Let's face it everyone, we are in deep 'Horse-Manure'.
Bush - 2009 Budget Plan
Two White House administration officials who want to remain anonymous told a reporter on Thursday that Bush 2009 Budget has already been laid out. President Bush will be presenting the 2009 budget to Congress on Monday. A senior official informed the reporter that most of the domestic programs will be frozen by the plan. The plan seek nearly $200 billion cut in Federal Health Care Programs. There is likely to be $400 billion dollars in deficits for this year and next year, according to the second official.
The Officials also stated that the critics to Bush's 2009 budget should draw up their own plan.
What an obviously non-caring thing to say?
California Debates
After viewing the Democratic Debate today, and comparing it to the Republican Debate yesterday, I know I am sure of one thing, it is becoming difficult to decide.
Today both Obama and Hillary, during the Democratic Debate, came on as two candidates who were cordial to each other. There were no bickering back and forth as before. They both handled each question well, stayed on topic, and kept in tune with the American people. I now understand Hillary's vote from the beginning regarding Iraq and the reasoning behind it. On the Health Insurance issue they both spoke on their plans and how we can achieve those goals. The question of the economy did come up, and they did handle it well.
Both Hillary and Obama agreed on many of their issues. They just both stress the way each will deliver the strategy in getting the job done may be different. They both agreed on one issue especially, "We need to set a time limit."
On the other hand when it comes to the Republican Debate, John McCain and Romney show their bitterness toward one another. Ron Paul spoke more like a Independent Democrat. Huckabee talks of keeping Government out of our lives, yet in the same breath he added that he wanted to sign into the Constitution an amendment on his issue of marriage.
McCain stressed that he is prepared to stay in Iraq for as long as it takes, and brings up Romney's statement again. While Romney insist that the Washington is to blame for all the woe in the country, yet he forgets that the Republicans are to blame for all the woes.
This is really going to be interesting how people decide, but for me I know my decision will be based on the one person and party who will be working for me in the White House and 'NOT' for Big Business.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
How Many Cuts To Interest Rates?
Today is the second time this month the Republican Federal Financial Experts have cut the Interests rate. The first time this month was Jan. 22, 2008. And it is the fifth time since September 18, 2007. Way to go Bush and Republican economic experts. The more you play with the numbers, the more you continue to destroy our economy. And to think, we have Bush and his Government Financial Incentive plan for Businesses to send American jobs overseas while making a large segment of Americans unemployed help jump start this failing economy back in 2002. It is well known that manipulating numbers is the Republican way of life.
Posted by
Angie Meredith
12:34 PM
Labels: Economic news, Politics
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Hillary And the Write-In-Ballots Of Florida
Hillary came on top with a 20% lead over Obama in Florida. It is not like the big landslide that she had in Michigan. You see, Hillary's name was the only Democratic candidate listed on the ballot of Michigan. So all the Ballots that were cast, only had her name. Everyone else who did not want to vote for Hillary just stayed home. I guess the people of Michigan did not know that they could write the name of the candidate they wanted to vote for if the name was not on the ballot. Maybe no one told them that, or maybe they just forgot. So of course in Michigan Hillary got a hundred percent of the votes, but the actual number of votes cast was less than the list of the Democratic registered voters in Michigan.
Maybe she was hoping for the same outcome. It would have given her that false high again to have a mocked election of 100%. It is obvious that the Floridians were not going to let her get away with it again, so a big number of people voted against her. Remember that this time she only got the 50 percent vote from the Floridian. But then there were 30 percent who wrote Obama's name on theirs tickets. And there were 20 percent with John Edwards name written on their tickets as well. That means that 50 percent of the votes cast DID NOT vote for Hillary. And I'll bet that there were many who just stay home in Florida, because they did not know that they could write-in the name of the person they wanted. Well, let this be a lesson to everyone. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SETTLE. You have the right as a citizen to write-in the name of your choosing. Remember this, next time you go to cast your vote and your candidate is not on the list.
McCain Took Florida
McCain won in Florida, beating Romney by a smidgen. But at least John was polite and cordial about it. He politely thanked his opponents, each and every one of them. He spoke on their good points, by far, giving each a better treatment than any of them ever had shown him. I see McCain as someone who could criticize constructively, instead of just trashing.
But personally, I would only vote for him if the race for presidency were between McCain and Hillary. And lord knows, I would never vote for a Republican.
Good luck, McCain. I hope the person I am backing will beat you, unless that persons name is Clinton.
Posted by
Angie Meredith
7:55 PM
Is this it for Rudy Guiliani?
A reliable source told ABC news that someone close to Guiliani mentioned that he planned to step down and endorse John McCain. But the source stated that Rudy was not ready to do so yet. It was mentioned that he would be boarding a plain to California on Wednesday.
Rudy Guiliani, who put little effort into the campaign for the other states, was betting that Florida would be the upward turn for him to get the caucuses he needed. he was so hoping to win big in Florida.
Well, better luck next time. And remember, you only get out, what you put in.
Pelosi Quick And Lean Stimulus Plan
Pelosi stood in front of cameras today, one day after the presidents State of the Union, stating that the Congress has launched the Stimulus plan quickly and kept it lean. It is reported to be a $146 billion dollar, keeping within the guidelines. It is expected to boost the economy, lifting it from the slump. Pelosi stated that it is now up to the Senate to keep the stimulus aid package lean and sent it off quickly for the president's approval. She is concern that adding items to the plan can stop a recovery for the economy. "It's important that this bill not get overloaded."
Already in the Senate, however, there is talk that there are some who do want to put a few changes into it, adding that it is very unlikely that it will be decided upon quickly in the Senate. Reid stated that he expected some Democrats and Republicans alike to want to make it better.
Neck-To-Neck In The Florida Primary
It looks like both John McCain and Mitt Romney are running a very close race for first place in the Florida Primary. Right now as it stands it's a close 32 to 31 percent for John and Mitt. While Guiliani is at a slight lead for the third place win at 14 percent while Huckabee is keeping pace at 13 percent.
It is looking to be a close run in first place for both McCain and Romney, but we will not know for sure until the polls close. And with his ignoring the other states in the union, is Guiliani sorry he didn't put more effort into the other previous primaries?
The Florida Republican Race Is On
The Republican Florida primary has hit the state with the 2 top candidates battling it out to the bitter end.
Romney: The former Republican governor for Massachusetts, addresses his crowd with a description of one candidate he is running against in the Republican type of way. Oh yes, he does claim that he will not lower himself to use name calling, but he did refer to Senator John McCain as a Democrat. Why the simple idea of any Republican candidate as being depicted as Democrat is the same as being on the opposite side of the Republican party.
John McCain: The Senator John McCain, a POW during the Vietnam era, came back at Romney with a equally insulting remark, naming Mitt as the flip-flopper candidate.
Ruddy Guiliani: At his third place position, so far according to the polls, is trusting he will win Florida, and is betting that the choice he made to put all his eggs in the basket of the Florida primary will pay off.
Come this evening we will find out just who the Florida winner will be.
What Was His Last State Of The Union About?
Last night I listened as GW Bush gave his final State of the Union Address. It gave me pause, to think about all that has happened during his time in the White House. A lot has happened in the eight years since Bush first took office. We are now into the eighth year, the last year of George W Bush two terms as president. When he first ran for president, the economy in our country was at the strongest it had been in a long time. He talked of continuing in the American tradition of respect in the White House. Bush spoke of the nation being respected around the world by the example that the president sets forward. George W Bush also remarked on the importance of appropriate behavior in the White House. On the day he was sworn in as the president on January 20, 2001 and we had a new Republican Congress, the U.S.A. had a surplus in the Social Security budget, and the country's deficit was lower than it had been in a long time. But that would all change, almost overnight. With the first year of passing tax bills to help the rich and the big businesses, which put a burden on the middle class. The Republicans, in looking for another way to pay Federal bills, began dipping into the Social Security budget. They also began to change the way Medicare worked for the elderly. Bush and the Republican Congress refused to work on a bipartisanship with the Democrats to help the senior citizens. The Republican Congress had bills that were easily passed all the way through to the president without so much as a blink-of-an-eye. In the late summer of 2001, 9/11 happened. The twin towers in Manhattan, New York had collapsed by the action of terrorists high-jacking planes and crashing them strategically into the buildings. When the dust had cleared a new agency was formed for Homeland Security. We entered into a war in Afghanistan for one purpose only, to hunt and find the people responsible. The terrorists who were responsible were, Bin Laden, al Quaeda, the Taliban. We went in to hunt them down. By 2002, Bush talked to the nation about his plan to give Financial Government Incentives to Businesses to send American jobs overseas. That, of course, sent many high technical jobs overseas, along with businesses having foreign offices, businesses, and employees receiving our most personal data with the financial businesses following after. It also left many states to deal with a sudden high rate of unemployment. Many of the unemployed who were in their late 40 yrs of age and up were finding themselves struggling with younger people for job positions in the lower wage industries. Engineers who once worked in the programing and computer engineering with government space contract companies were now having to get jobs in different fields for lower wages. Yet no one noticed. Bush and the Republican Congress refused to work with the Democrats, in a bipartisan way, for the working middle class. This move, according to Bush, would add more jobs in America and give businesses a chance to compete globally. Between the summer of 2002 through 2003, Bush had given a speech which even shocked me. His speech was on the changing of our country's workforce. He made the statement that we are no longer the high technological country, and that Americans were going to have to work in the service job industries in order to compete globally. Yet between 2002 through 2004 hidden in all of this was Bush and the republicans, through either financial or tax credits, helping companies stay afloat. By the beginning 2003, there was a hint that Bush may begin to forcibly go after Sadam Hussein, the dictator leader in Iraq to hunt for the weapons of mass destruction. According to the Bush administration an Iranian informant verified that there really were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Rumsfeld and Bush were pulling troops out of Afghanistan and stopped hunting for Bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Taliban. They mentioned that the band of terrorists were broken up and on the run. Imagine for a moment if our police and FBI would just do an about face in a man hunt for a murderer just because he was on the run. Does that seem like the logical course of action to take? On March 23, 2003, after pulling troops most of our troops from Afghanistan, Bush and the Republican Administration rerouted the troops to go after Bin Laden. Overstretched, and under equipped to deal with the aftermath of an invasion, our troop got to Baghdad in a weeks time, and were able to catch Bin Laden quickly there after. But the only thing that the soldiers found besides normal caches of weaponry, was a mosaic tile likeness of Bush Sr. on the ground in front of a capital building in Iraq. Apparently, Sadam enjoyed wiping his shoes on the face of the Bush Sr. image every time he entered the capital building. All during this time with American jobs lost overseas, first there was a drop in existing home sales. Some took longer to sell. New homes sales were slowly dropping, but not as quickly and deep at first. Each Christmas season, the consumer sales would drop each year, yet no one noticed. So businesses and media blamed the consumer for tightening their belts. Each year the utility companies raised their rates, both heating and electricity, but no one noticed. There was a stimulus package, which did not work to help the economy since many had to pay bills with their tax rebates. The American people had voiced their opinion against the Bush administration allowing a Foreign company controlled by a foreign government to own and control an eastern port of the United States. Bush went ahead with the plan any way. At the end of 2006, People had enough of Republican spending, and putting the Federal government in a deeper deficit than it had been for a long time, and tired of the Republican Congress spending more pork than any other Congress ever, that the people voted mostly for a Democratic Congress. And in the beginning of 2007, the new Congressmen were sworn into Congress.
During GW Bush campaign for the second term he stressed the importance about staying the course, going after terrorists, and homeland security. He talked of stricter border security as well. Yet here we are, 2008, the borders are no more secured than they were before 9/11. Bush even allow 2 border agents who did there jobs well, to be arrested, charged and tried for shooting a drug smuggler. Even during the trial of the border agents, the prosecutor on the case, had information that the drug smuggler had been arrested for smuggling across the border again while he was the lead witness in the case against the two border agents who are still in prison. Also in the last year of Bush 2nd term in office, Bin Laden, al Qaeda, and the Taliban are more stronger and have more allies of leaders in different countries in the Middle East. One known friend of Bush, the president of Afghanistan, Musharaffe had made a deal with the Taliban, and al Qaeda. And more American jobs lost to overseas, with more foreign imports coming in to the U.S.A., with more loss of income, with more housing sales crisis being overburden with the increase in foreclosures, with more rates raised in the utilities. Plus and ANNUAL increase in the cost of gasoline at the pump since 2001 when Bush first to office, and the roller-coaster of the market every year till it plunge to a dangerously lower level before slightly creeping back up, the American economy has failed, we are in a recession, yet still no one notices.
So what was his last State Of The Union of 2008 about? GW Bush demanding that the Democrats in Congress now work with Bush and the Republicans in a bipartisan way for the stimulus package. He warned of adding pork to the bills, and tightening the borders, and staying the course in the Iraq war. After eight years of the Bush Administration, Now he wants to work with the Democrats, and now he wants to stop adding the pork?
Monday, January 28, 2008
Is Our Economy Getting Better?
Sales of new homes plunged to a new low of 26.4 percent last year. According to the government report the median price of a new home is at the poorest showing since prices fell by 2.4 percent during the 1991 housing downturn even though we had a light up turn of a slight 0.2 percent. With a slump close to surpassing the housing recession of the early 1980s, it reinforces the view that the housing industry is at its worst downturn in more than two decades. The bad side is that the housing is going to continue with the foreclosure older homes filling up the market. The up side will be for the buyer. The down side will be against the seller.
Posted by
Angie Meredith
3:23 PM
Labels: Economic news
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Aiming To Face The Challenges
After a big win on Saturday, Barack appeared on an early Sunday television show and spoke of how he perceives the Primary in South Carolina as an example of changes in the American people. "I think that what we saw in this election was a shift in South Carolina, all across the country. I think people want change. I think they want to get beyond some of the racial politics that, you know, has been so dominant in the past." Obama gave recognition to Jesse Jackson for setting the precedent for blacks seeking the presidency. He also acknowledges that he has a challenge with Hillary Clinton's famous name in the coming big primary on February 5 when 22 states will be voting. About Florida, Obama said, "All the candidates made a pledge that we would campaign in the early states and we would not campaign in Florida and Michigan. I will abide by the promises I made."
"Our commitment cannot rest so long as we are still divided by race" Obama said, as he spoke Sunday at the Harvest Cathedral in Macon, Georgia. He talked about the homeless veterans, poor schools, uninsured people and unemployed workers as he was recounting the story of the 'Good Samaritan.'
Later on Sunday at the University of Alabama speaking to a crowd of 9,000 Barack Obama continued his crusade of disproving the old rhetorics of the South, "...that if you get black votes, you can't get white votes." At the Basketball arena Obama continued talking amid-st the cheers of the crowd. "We're going to write a new chapter in the South, we're going to write a new chapter in American history."
Republican Race For The Florida Primary
In Florida today the Republican candidates seem to be gearing up for a fight. Both Romney and McCain appear to be attacking each others credibility in being the Republican nominee.
Romney is saying that he does not need to have a Vice President who understands the economy implying that McCain would need to be brief and would need to have a VP who does know the economy. Speaking near Miami Mitt stated, "No one needs to give me a briefing on the economy. I won't need to choose a vice president that understands the economy — because I know the economy."
McCain has spoken in the past on Romney's idea of secretly withdrawing troops and how he disagrees with him. But today John McCain said, "Even if the economy is the, quote, number one issue, the real issue will remain America's security, And if they choose to say, `Look, I do not need this guy, because he's not as good on home loan mortgages,' or whatever it is, I understand about that, I will accept that verdict. I am running because of the transcendental challenge of the 21st century, which is radical Islamic extremism."
As they bicker back and forth in front of the news and cameras as to which of the two is better for the job, Rudy Guiliani informs those listening to him, "Senator McCain and Governor Romney are doing such a good job of attacking each other, how about voting for somebody who's not attacking? Vote for me, Rudy Guiliani."
Huckabee taking advantage of the free media on the Sunday morning talk shows took a chance to speak about the Clintons. "There are not two people who are better at street-fighting politics that's Bill and Hillary Clinton. I've been telling people a long time, don't underestimate the scrappiness with which they'll approach this race"
Romney Declares, "I Know The Economy."
With the Republican Florida Primary on it's way, Romney pushes his "I know the economy" Speech. Mitt spreads the idea that he is the only candidate who knows the economy. But let's take a very close look at his governorship in Massachusetts. It was during his time as governor that Massachusetts ranked as the third LOWEST in the economy growth in the country with the Katrina states ranking lower. When it came to job growth, his time as governor also had Massachusetts ranking as the third lowest, only the Katrina states ranked lower. So why does he keep declaring himself as the one who made Massachusetts numbers better. Because there was an increase in the 'Population Loss' which gave the numbers a FALSE reading. So take a closer look, investigate, and see for yourself.