Saturday, February 19, 2011

Child Labor Law

Here in the United States of America, in all my 58 years of existence, I never believed that we would ever be taking on a subject which in the past had some serious, dire consequences.

I read the some alarming articles and watched and listened to the news of some Republican Senators wanting to get rid of regulations, rules, and protections that are currently in place in their States Child Labor Laws and the Federal Child Labor Law.

Republican Senator Jane Cunningham from Missouri is pushing for her state to get rid of the protections and restrictions for children under the age of 14.

Republican Tea party Senator Mike Lee from Utah has declared the Child Labor Law as being Unconstitutional. So Utah's Republican Senator Mike Lee wants to get rid of the Child Labor Law altogether.

Have we forgotten the lessons of the past? Are we gonna be forced to repeat the past?

Unfortunately Child Labor in the United States of America before the Child Labor Laws were passed proved to be extremely dangerous for children. In a lot of cases even fatal! The known statistics of their suffered abuses on the job and working conditions were very harsh and deadly.

Is that the future Republicans want for our children?

Be careful for what you wish for. You just might get it.