Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hidden Waste?

There's a lot of news on Republicans of Washington in Congress coming up with cuts.

There was some little news on speeches Democratic President Obama gave during the last 2 years with the lists of the same cuts and sacrifices, telling everyone 'We will have to bite the bullet". Remember?

But what about the hidden stuff. Did you know about the hidden stuff. There is no HIDDEN STUFF in the Republicans Plan. There is only a lot of SERVICES money cuts.

In California, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown found the hidden stuff from the previous Republican State Administration. The stuff no one thinks about, because no one knew. Like the cell phones Governor Brown placed on the chopping block saving billions of Tax Payer's money.

What about the Federal Government? Did anyone at the Federal level even bother to look? Cell phones that were being used for personal use, not needed for Government business. Chances are if SLASHING the California government cell phones saved a lot of tax revenue for the state in the millions, then chances are the SLASHING of cell phones for the Federal government would save even more, could be in the billions, possibly in the hundreds of billions or trillions! Don't laugh, thinking in terms of across the country it could just be that much.

In California, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown found that the Past Republican Ex-Governor Schwarzenegger Administration was selling Government property then Leasing it back at very high rates with Tax Payer's money. By CUTTING and STOPPING that practice, Democratic Jerry Brown saved California $Billions.

What are the chances that the Federal government during the Bush and Cheney years were wasting tax payers money at the Federal level across the country selling Federal land then leasing it back at high rates? Think of how much money would be saved if that practice was STOPPED. If the State of California saved $Billions, then the Federal government could save way more. Think of the possibilities.

In California, Democratic governor Jerry Brown also CUT OUT more Government waste when he found out that the Ex Governor, Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger was spending billions Yearly on fleets of new cars that were being used for private use and NOT Government business. The waste was on NON-emergency vehicles. Plus paying the home storage permits. These were New Cars Every Single Year. While California was broke. In the $Billions of Wasted state tax revenue.

Could the Federal government had been doing the same thing for years, for Decades? Did anyone check? Could there be hidden waste at the Federal level of the same across the country? Just how much could be saved if the Congress and Senate would STOP THAT SPENDING?

If the State of California Governor Democratic Jerry Brown manage to save over $$$$billions of government waste on those three examples alone, think of how much more the Federal Government could save at the Federal Level. Would it be in the Hundreds of Billions? Could it be in the Trillions? Possibly in the Hundreds of Trillions?

We will never know if the both Houses at the Federal level do not tackle the hidden wastes!