Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Correcting All The Wrongs

In listening to conservative media, we might think that Democrats spend while Republicans don't.

But that statement is far from the truth. In California Republicans have always had control of State government with greater more Republicans in California State Legislature. And when the Governor's office was Republican, well it was always a field day of spending.

Fact is that Ex-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger splurged California Tax Payer's money on unnecessary spending, and it is those unnecessary spending that Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is NOW cutting while saving Billions of Dollars on Each of those that he is now cutting:

1) Cell phones for California State Government employees from Sacramento to local districts, government employees received cell phones bought and paid for with monthly payments on service all done with California Tax Payer's money.

2) Selling of California State Government Property, which was bought and paid for over a century and a half ago, only to lease the property back to the State Government at the expense of the California Tax Payers.

3) Then there is the California Tax Payer funded New Car Purchases for the State Funded Vehicle Fleet that were NEVER essential to the State Government business.

Republican Arnold's mistake was balancing the California State budget by stripping the Public School Funding and using that money to balance the books. Schwarzenegger stripped the money intended for fire fighting using that money to balance the State books while cutting back on fire fighters, fire fighting equipment and their services. Also Ex-Governor Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger stripped the money intended for police departments, using that money to balance the California State books while cutting back on the number of police and services. Yet Ex-Governor Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger just continued to get the State deeper and deeper into the RED DEBT. Do those Republican Schwarzenegger solution's sound familiar? They sure do. Chris Christie is doing the same Republican stuff that did not work for California in his New Jersey State, but will the people of New Jersey see the the parallel universe of the two states?

Well the New California State Governor, Jerry Brown, is having to 'Correct All Those Wrongs' in California. He is getting rid of those unnecessary expenses along with many more while restoring that which makes Californians feel safe, secure, and protects our future generations education. A task that only Jerry Brown knows very well. The same way Jerry Brown in the 1970's had to turn around a poorly financially handled California State which was mismanaged by then Republican Ex-Governor Ronald Regan, Jerry Brown is once again ridding the California State of another Republican's disastrous financial blunder caused by Ex-Governor Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The difference between Republican Chris Christie, New Jersey Governor and Democratic Jerry Brown Governor is, while the Republican Chris Christie wrongly blames the Public Schools Teachers who are teaching our country's future and hopes for destroying New Jersey's economy, and as Republican Governor Chris Christie of New Jersy continues to attack the Fire Fighters who lay their lives on the line every day while he cuts away at their pensions and support, New Jersey will still not be able to fix their Financial mess because the real unnecessary wastes in New Jersey's State is not being dealt with.

Yet Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is taking a real look at the real Government wastes which will save California State in the Billions EACH. And that is just from the first three of real cuts Democratic Jerry Brown is making of which I have listed. Democratic Governor Jerry Brown took the State of California in the 1970's out of the Red after Ex-Governor Ronald Reagan bankrupt the state. And now, Democratic Governor Jerry Brown is at work again in 2011, using real Financial Budgeting Techniques that will put California back into the Black.

Californians forgot how great Jerry Brown was at Correcting The Wrongs when in 1980 they blamed him for the Flooding disastor caused by unusual higher rain fall and poor California soil. Yep, they blamed him for the California soil that cannot literally hold water, causing homes to wash away. But they were also angry that Jerry Brown was running for President , even though Jerry Brown immediately left the campaign and dropped from the Democratic Primary to deal with and clean up that mess. Yet Jerry Brown lost his bid for second term even though he fixed California's financial mess, a task of which NO governor has ever matched. Jerry Brown lost his bid for the second term because Californians blamed him for California's poor soil.

Well, Californians have their priorities straight now. We do understand that a State that has a great budget to work with is the State that never tries to balance the books on the backs of the most vulnerable who live and work in the State, nor does it balance the books by destroying the services that are the most needed for a safe and secure environment.