"You couldn't move a Girl Scout unit with the kind of planning they're doing." In talking to a reporter a retired pentagon official talked today on the condition of the plan which is to be put into place when we have a biological, chemical, or nuclear attack on our homeland. He claims he looked at the plans and they are unacceptable.
There are three reasons why he says the plan they have will not work. 1) While the other agencies are responsible for bits and pieces of the plan, like the homeland security, the defense department is the only one with the resources to do the job right. 2)The defense department would be expected to work under the civilian agency. Usually that means a private big business corporate of pretend army personnel who have their own rules and answer to no one. 3) There is a historical tension between the federal government and the states. Another way of saying, that the states want control over their own plan, and do not want the federal government to help in any way.
Let's face it everyone, we are in deep 'Horse-Manure'.