Monday, February 25, 2008

How Ugly Can It Get?

Today, February 25 2008, the news is filled with Hillary Clinton, a democratic candidate, complaining of Obama's campaign distributing fliers of NAFTA and how Hillary supported it. She stated the other day that it was not true, yet not to anyones surprise there is actual footage of Hillary approving of the NAFTA agreement. "Shame on you, Obama," she yells.

Then someone's campaign puts out a picture of Obama dressed in African clothes, and tries to smear him on his dress and connect him with terrorism. It could have been Hillary's people, but then it was the Republicans who keep trying to associate Obama with terrorism just by the sound of his name. Well, it did not work!

Then, on the Republican side, Huckabee stated that he wanted to get a little help from the media to boost a Nasty story of him, so that his campaign could get the same type of boost McCain got. Only the type of nasty stories that came out about McCain are true.

Like McCain's story of his friend Keating, owner of the Lincoln Savings and Loan and how McCain used his position in the Senate to send letters to the Banking Regulators to urge them to BACK OFF of his friend Keating. And how McCain used his position in the Senate to secure a nomination for Keating's Associate in the Banking Regulatory Committee. Also McCain even introduced legislation to help his friend Keating with his Savings and Loan. And that was before McCain joined with the other Senators, the group that later became known as the Keating Five. Of course that story only got out after the Lincoln Savings and Loan went bankrupt and cost the taxpayers billions.

Then there is the other story of when McCain was a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, and how McCain founded a non profit Reform Institute in 2001, which took in a lot of money in donations from Companies that were Lobbying the same Senate Commerce Committee. Of course McCain did co-author the "McCain-Feingold Act" in 2002. But by 2005 it was discovered that he may have been in Violation of his own "McCain-Feingold Act." Well, as nasty stories go, McCain Complained that the media's story forced him to sever his ties with the Non Profit Reform Institute in 2005. Just in time for McCain to run for president.

This 2008 campaign has seen many twists and turns. And most of it is very ugly from the outside looking in. I wonder if any of the people working those campaigns even have a clue just how disgusting their campaigns look.