Wednesday, July 2, 2008

What Were the Republican Years About?

I recently read a post on digg by the engineer2008. He started out writing a paragraph of an article in which George Packer interviewed Buchanan, who worked for Nixon and secured his winning that election. I was interest in the Article because I remember watching the election so I clicked on the title, 'The Fall of Conservatism. Have the Republicans run out of Ideas.' It took me to

The interview covered the early Nixon years when Buchanan worked for Nixon's campaign and helped him get elected. Buchanan tells Packer about an idea they came up with. Nixon and Buchanan had an idea of creating a new majority bordering on the fenced grounds of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Well it worked because Nixon won by a land slide that election.

Buchanan tells Packer in the interview: 'The sixties, which began in liberal consensus over the Cold War and civil rights, became a struggle between two apocalyptic politics that each saw the other as hellbent on the country’s annihilation. The result was violence like nothing the country had seen since the Civil War, and Perlstein emphasizes that bombings, assaults, and murders committed by segregationists, hardhats, and vigilantes on the right were at least as numerous as those by radical students and black militants on the left.

What are the Republican years about? What is any Republican year in the Oval Office about? It can be summed up with the last sentence of the article. 'Nixon claimed to speak on behalf of "the nonshouters, the nondemonstrators," but the cigar smokers in that South Carolina hotel were intoxicated with hate.'

They can call themselves the 'Moral Majority, the Right-Winged Party, The Evangelical Right, The Family Value Party,' But to me, they will always be no different that the NAZI party of Germany.