Thursday, June 12, 2008

American Consumer Always Gets The Blame

When it comes to the price of oil, whose fault is it?

Well, one news money expert on TV stated that it all boiled down to the huge demand of the American driver. "Really?"

On another news channel the oil price hikes was blamed on Americans love affair with their cars. "You don't say."

Yet just a few days before that statement, another money news expert claimed that the American driver had cut back too far in their usage. "What?"

And then there was an oil rep who said that China and India have a much higher legitimate demand for oil, and that their demands have to be met first. "Oh, really?"

Meanwhile the European truck drivers had staged their protest on the oil price hikes and blocked their borders. Their protest is that their prices at the pump are some of the highest in the world. And none of them are blaming the average American for the oil hikes. In fact, I have not heard anyone try to tie the price of gasoline in Europe with the demand of the average American or European. "Hmm, why is that?"

Is the American consumer at fault with their demand for oil? Is it the American consumer with their cutting back in their demand for oil with American consumer cutting back their daily spending more each year to blame? (Less money spent, less money for goods and services profits.) Is OPEC at fault? Is it the middle man whose the one laughing-all-the-way-to-the-bank? Are the speculators on Wall Street responsible for the price hike?

Or maybe, just maybe, the outsourcing of jobs at the Beginning of the Bush Administration, putting many Americans out of secure jobs, stuck with temporary work without job stability and without job security, without medical insurance, making it harder and harder to make ends meet with lower pay for the same job and same job requirements and education for those jobs which just continue to get fewer and farther inbetween each year, having to spend less and less money and cutting back on goods and services that started a chain reation with different industries recieving lower profits for the past eight years. First went the High Tech Jobs and the Customer Service jobs along with the annoucement by Bush that "America is no longer a High Tech country but now a Service country (like medical, police, fire fighters)", then the retail profits dropped each and every year since as more industries cut back due to lower profits with layoffs and hiring less or having a hiring freeze, while the electric companies were raising their prices and putting penalties on private homeowners for using more electricity with the change of the weather and seasons yet no limits or penalties were placed on businesses who always waiste, then it was found out that some in the energy industry inflated the shortage but nothing was done to pay customers back for being overcharged by the electric companies as they continue their price hike each year, then the gas heating industry rasing their prices on homeowners and placing penalties on homeowners yet no penalties were placed on businesses for their waiste, then some more jobs cut with fewer jobs available in different industries continued, then the new car purchasing began to decline, then there were reports of jobs loss in American auto manufacturing, then the older homes sales began to suffer, then the new homes sales began to decline, then there were reports of job loss in the construction industry, then the housing industry worker jobs declined, then the water industry placing limits on homeowners and penalties for usage while no penalties are ever placed on business, during all this time the oil industry were raising their price of oil.

Yep, but according to all the different industries listed it is always the American consumer who is the first one they blame.