Strange that today, Monday June 9 2008, ABC reports on the Stocks fall in wall street while the Oil Prices surge and the Unemployment on the rise. Yet that was suppose to be Fridays news, since that is when all this had occurred. So then why were some news media planting the idea that the costs of oil barrels were down on Friday?
Maybe they were trying to plant a positive on the negative events that were happening on Friday.
Maybe they were trying to prevent a panic to flow into the weekend.
Or maybe, just maybe, the Bush administration and Oil Industries just wanted to give any candidate from connecting the dots. Well the American people, as well as any people around the world are just smart enough to be able to connect the dots themselves.
While we suffer loosing our jobs, loose our homes, with prices at the pump and the energy costs going up, the prices of food continue to climb as shortages are to blame, it is true that there is only one truth.
And that one truth is that the Oil industries, OPEC, China, India, Bush, Chaney, and the Republican Party are all laughing all-the-way-to-the-Bank.